Collection:Grisone equitation

Federigo Grisone - Training the difficult horse


These beautiful 1570 woodblock prints come from the German edition of the famous work by Federigo Grisone: Künstlicher Bericht und allerzierlichste Beschreibung wie die streitbarn Pferdt zum Ernst und ritterlicher Kurzweil geschickt und vollkommen zu machen. (The Title roughly translates an "A Report and Various Descriptions of the Art of making resistant Horses into earnest and rideable steeds....)

Federigo Grisone described himself as a "gentil huommo neapolitano" or gentleman from Naples, assembled the knowledge of his time on how to train and dress horses. He is considered one of the founders of the modern science of horsemanship.


The book, one of the first of its kind, was widely printed in different languages during the 16th Century.


We have additional illustrations of elaborate bits for different types of horses available.

Dimensions: 8.25 X 12.25 inches ( around 21 X 32 cm)


Page 111 - SOLD


Page 51

Knights 1

Knights 2
Page 217 Grisone 223 Full double page spread from book with bits for training the young tendermouthed horse
Bit for a Horse with a Tough Mouth Grisone 91 A Very Complex Bit!
A First Bit for a Horse with a
Good Sweet Mouth
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